This is a super common question we get a lot. Is it too early to plant them? How big a pot? What should I feed my plants? So lets review some of these and see if this can be helpful in the success of your plant.
Is it too early?
Yep. Generally when people ask this question, they already know the answer. But it is a little nuanced. If you are planting outside you want those overnight lows to be about 10 degrees. But I would argue that depending on the time of year, 12-15 degrees (say in early spring) and here is why. A cold spell will set your plant back. So now you have added a week onto your days to maturity
If you simply need to wait a few days or a week to get to those overnight lows going then why not? You will have more fruit faster, and in this game of gardening isn’t it all about giving the plant your best?
Also I am not sure people take into account the toll that wind takes on your plants. A harsh spring wind on an immature plant can cause a lot of damage. So when hardening off your plant (getting it used to being outside) you are selecting a spot where its warm and sunny, protected from wind, and bringing them inside at night until we have those nice overnight lows
Now for planting in a cold frame (an unheated greenhouse) we wait for that 10 degrees since the cold frame should add some temperature. If you are keeping them in pots then I would still cover them with some nice reemay (light white cloth that can provide a couple of degrees) if your plastic isn’t greenhouse plastic.
Does size matter?
Tomatoes have a big root system so they want a lot of room to grow. The more room, generally, the more fruit. We plant our indeterminate plants 18 – 24 inches apart in beds with two staggered rows. Now, we also, at time of writing, do two leaders. So we want them to have lots of room to grow. Our determinants and one row per 30” bed and 2 feet apart.
So take that into account if you are putting them in pots. A big pot (5 gallon/12 inch) will provide lots of room for the plant to grow. Then you can add companions, once the plant has grown up a bit, like basil and lettuces.

What should I feed my plants? This one is great. Always start with fresh or refreshed soil. Your plants, if purchased from us, have been fed some amazing food and they get that food from the soil they are in. We use a proprietary blend of organic amendments in our soil mix. We always start with new compost.
For the home gardener I like to recommend the Power Bloom Blend by Gaia Green. You can find it in many garden centers and use as directed. Tomatoes are heavy feeders so be sure to give them what they need – food.
Tomatoes thrive in a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH range of 6.0-7.0. If the pH is too high, calcium may not be readily available, increasing the risk of blossom-end rot. Many of you have experienced the heartbreak of blossom end rot, so we encourage you to use lime in your soil mix. Over the years we have found that using dolomite lime is actually better than using all purpose garden lime, as it help the uptake of the calcium.
Good luck with your lovely plants, let us know if we can answer any more questions!